Rebecca Darosa

What do you see as your biggest strength in VMA?

I believe my biggest strength in VMA is my resiliency. When tasked with various projects and short timelines, I succeeded in staying on top of myself and my tasks.

What is one thing you achieved in the last 2 school years that you will remember for the rest of your life?

I believe my most memorable achievement is branching out and making friends with those in my program.

What is one way you surprised yourself this year?

In my daily life, I am quite the introvert. However, during school, I was able to speak out and share my thoughts vocally. I was unafraid of sharing my opinion.

What was a hard lesson you learned through your time in VMA?

A hard lesson I learned during my time in VMA is confining your own creative process to fit the requirements of a project. That, ultimately, at the end of the day, your task is to create what pleases the client and fits their style.

Is there a specific job you hope to get after graduation?

My dream was always to be a wedding planner. At the end of my program, I was offered and granted a position as a wedding planner. I hope to continue to pursue this career.