Yihang Li
What do you see as your biggest strength in VMA?
Styling and Fabricating
What is one thing you achieved in the last 2 school years that you will remember for the rest of your life?
Dreams and Teams work together
What is one way you surprised yourself this year?
Time management
What was a hard lesson you learned through your time in VMA?
Hand-on abilities
Is there a specific job you hope to get after graduation?
Home Staging, Interior Styling
This project is about photographing with the theme "Kid's Doodle". The entire process continued 5 hours, and the girl model presented lots of wonderful performances.
November, 2022
Men's Wear
Specific holiday Tabletop Display for Men's Wear department
December, 2021
Mock Brand_VIGOR
VIGOR’s is a faux jewellery brand concept for Integrated Retail Marketing class.
December, 2022
Window Display
This is a seasonal business window that is designed for Korean kid's wear brand-Norsu Organic.
April, 2022