surbhi rehan

What do you see as your biggest strength in VMA?

Styling, fabrication, material handling, and merchandising are my best skills but my biggest strength is Fabrication (and I love it!)

What is one thing you achieved in the last 2 school years that you will remember for the rest of your life?

-Be positive -If you want others to respect your time, you have to respect their time first -Practice makes perfect (and professional!)

What is one way you surprised yourself this year?

No matter what is going on, if I focus on the present, I can achieve anything!

What was a hard lesson you learned through your time in VMA?

Multitasking and time management are everything. Schedule things ahead of time and you will win!

Is there a specific job you hope to get after graduation?

For months, I have been trying to get a job at Home Depot as a Merchandiser. In March, I got the job! I'm happy and looking forward for my future experiences and growth.